
We often refer to the “power of the Holy Spirit” in the sense of performing miraculous acts – healing, speaking in tongues, and the like.

But we need to give the Holy Spirit credit for more.
The power of the Holy Spirit gives us hope (Rom 15:13)
The Holy Spirit talks to us to give us instructions (Acts 10:19-20)
The Holy Spirit gives us discernment between good and evil (Acts 13:9-10)

The Holy Spirit does much more.
I need to rely on Him more.

One Response to “the Holy Spirit”

  1. memma Says:

    Amen! What you say is true. Hope for what? Instruction about What? The Holy Spirit always glorifies Our Lord Jesus Christ; always teaches us about The Cross and brings us into fellowship with the Lord. That is our hope and instruction. That will take an eternity. To often we want “things” from the Lord. Don’t get me wrong they are necessary, but what we really need is more of Him and to know Him more. Ask for that…fellowship with Him…His presence…that is what He desires!! We always think about what we need, how many ask Lord what do you need and want. That should be our only question, the rest will fall in place. If He is Lord, ask Him what He is doing, not what we want. Jesus always asked the Father what to do, so must we. Let us pray that He Is restored to His exalted position of Lord of all. memma