
These are interesting passages: Acts 20:22 Paul was compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem, “not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me.” Acts 21:4 “Through the Spirit [the disiciples] urged Paul not to go […]

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No hamster talk today. Mike says I am getting too involved, but they are like my babies! Elliot is taking theater arts, and has been practicing for his role as minister! He officiates a wedding in this student-written play. Yesterday they did their actual performance in front of a live audience of students during second […]

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Dusty, short for Dustball our dad hamster, was missing yesterday! I found his running ball empty with the lid open on the kitchen floor. Audrey put him in the ball on the kitchen floor to get some exercise, unsupervised. We know he cannot go up steps, but he could be anywhere downstairs. Our search under, […]

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Dusty the dad is looking heavy! Scary how “human” they can be: just like a dad to gain weight along with his pregnant wife, but Lucky has already shed her weight. He has no excuse! The babies are darker today, losing more of their pink newborn look. They make a lot of squeaking noises. I […]

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Do I have any deep profound thoughts on this my special day? Well, I don’t feel any older, but there is no escape from looking older. I have a great life, and a better one to come after this. I can only thank God for the abundant life I have in Christ.

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Safe! It looks like all the baby hamsters are alive! Everyone moved out of the small igloo and into the bigger and luxurious nest that I thought was dad’s new house for himself. I realized I didn’t give them enough materials to build, so I’ve been giving them more napkin pieces to shred. Now they […]

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The mom Lucky seems to be a pretty good mother overall. She stays with her babies at all times, except when she comes out to eat and drink. Dusty, the dad, made himself another house. It was probably overcrowded in the little igloo. I saw one baby accidentally dragged out when Lucky came out to […]

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The hamster babies are 2 days old. We see them wiggling under their mom, and sometimes hear them squeak. Last night, I was freaked out when I saw the mom carry 2 of the babies and left them outside of the nest. Did she leave them out there to die? I read that hamsters will […]

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Our hamsters had babies! We counted 7 or 8 huddled together. One little one was outside of the nest. Mike spooned him/her back in, hopefully he/she will not be rejected. Just yesterday, we cleaned out their cage because it was stinking badly. I was marveling at the cozy nest they made from the cotton balls […]

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I had an ultrasound on my thyroid this morning, also had some blood taken to check the thyroid function. I’ve had an enlarged thyroid since I was pregnant with Elliot, that was 17 years ago. It has remained about the same size. The endocrinologist tells me it is about 2-3 times the normal size. He […]

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Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (IThessalonians 5:15) I need to do more of that. Those three commands are interrelated – when you give thanks, you will be joyful; when you are joyful, you will pray; when you pray, you will […]

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Acts 15:36-39 “…they had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company…” Isn’t that kind of surprising? Paul and Barnabas, both we would consider “spiritual giants”, had a big fight. The Bible does not say one is right and the other wrong. The way they resolved it was to each do their part in furthering […]

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I have such a nice husband. I recall when we first met

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“He who has God and everything has no more than he who has God alone.” – C.S. Lewis (?) I may not fully experience the truth of that today, but I will be sure of it at my deathbed. “Everything” will be nothing at death. What will you take with you to eternity? Only life […]

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Happy New Year! I asked at dinner, “What are some of the best memories of 2004?” Amy: Disneyland and California Adventures Elliot: Mt Whitney Audrey: Playing Taboo for the first time at the youth retreat. The word was ‘apartment’, and I said, “You go there, and you’re inside.” The time ran out, and Pastor Duane […]

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