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Elliot just came back from hiking Half Dome in Yosemite. He made it to the top.

That is quite a feat for someone who does absolutely no exercise. I mean that literally.
The last time he did anything physical was last summer. He hiked up Mt. Whitney and he made it to the top. He had no exercise before doing that. The last time he did anything physical before that was his first hike up Mt. Whitney the year before, and he made it to the top.
I asked him if he was tired and why he didn’t stop before he reached the top of Half Dome, like a couple of people in the group did. He said he was tired, but he was determined, and didn’t want to come all that way, and not make it to the top.

The power of the mind over the body.
Also he is 17, and when you are 17, your body can take a lot of beating.
I am very proud of him. Wish I was 17…well, no…I wish I have the body of a 17 year old!

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