stored in: General

In the Ontario Mills (if you live in SoCal, you know which shopping mall I am talking about), there is a Lego store. It’s across from Build-a-Bear, by the way. I’ve been there many times with Amy. In the back of the Lego store are their sale items.

Legos don’t usually go on sale. So when I am there, I stock up on the sale items to give as gifts. Being the bargain-conscious shopper that I am, I choose the sets with the most pieces for the price. I bought a set with 300+ pieces for about $15, I think that’s pretty good. I stay away from themes that could get outdated such as Star Wars.

I think everyone should enjoy building with Legos. It can be as simple or as complicated as your imagination or mood requires. I think it’s the best gift to give and receive.

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