registered the temperature as over 90F today in Walnut, California. It’s not even the first day of summer yet. The calendar says the official first day of summer is June 21st.
Elliot and Amy went swimming in the pool. Don’t you hate that initial shock of cold water? Six or seven years ago, a friend of Audrey’s in elementary school – Matt Kimura, in case he ever reads this – invited us to swim in their new pool. That was the first time ever in my life that I went into a pool without that cold water shock. In fact, it felt too hot, like bath water! Sharol Kimura,the mom, explained that they left the pool heater on all night. The water was 90 degrees! After a while, we had to get out of the water to cool off!
So while it always takes a little getting used to the water when you go swimming, it actually feels better than if you went swimming in warm water.