
…but we’re human, and our imperfect communication can cause conflicts that we never intend to happen. i’ve had my fair share of this, and everytime i thought through things afterward, i realize that things spiral out of control because we assume things using our own perspective, we don’t listen as well as we should, we say things without regard to others, and we often just don’t put ourselves in others’ shoes.

A friend made this insightful comment in an email. I want to remember this to help myself and others in building better relationships and prevent relationship breakdowns whenever possible.

Thanks, D.

2 Responses to “Relationship breakdown”

  1. D Says:

    I’m glad it was of some use 🙂 I must say, it’s easier said than done!

  2. Katy’s Weblog » Blog Archive » What I learned from my dog Says:

    […] 2. As D said in my previous post, we often don’t listen to people as we should, and we don’t put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. I assumed Chocolate was not asking for dinner because to me, it wasn’t his dinnertime. To him, it was. He was hungry no matter what I thought. […]