is the kind of Christianity that I have, the practice of my walk with God, one that, if I could pass on my relationship with God today to my kids, and my child could never experience anything more than what I have today, would you be satisfied with passing that on to your children? – Dennis Rainey, Family Life
That’s a good question for me to remember. I would not be satisfied. I would love for my children to experience more of God than me. So why am I not pursuing that for myself?
Crawford Loritts says
…there are only four things that you will find in common about the person that God uses in leadership in the Scripture, and none of it has to do with personality, not one of them has to do with personality. Here they are – brokenness; secondly, communion, and by that I mean there is a special degree of interaction; thirdly, servanthood, not as an activity but as an identity; and, fourthly, radical, complete obedience. You study leadership in the Scriptures, and those will be the four things you see consistently.
I want to keep those 4 things as goals for my life.