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I told Audrey to email her UCLA math professor for next quarter to tell him of her conflict in schedule.

Audrey: I don’t know his email.

Me: Just look it up in the staff directory.

Audrey: I did. But there are 4 profs with the last name Zhang, and first initial X!

I am on the floor laughing! X. Zhang is such a popular name! Don’t name your child with a first initial X. It’s just too popular and confusing when he goes to school…

Amy didn’t get her Art Club acceptance notice and thought she didn’t get in. Her homeroom teacher gave it to her 3 days later. Her teacher told her she was too short, and couldn’t see the notice on the bottom of her mailbox.

LOL, her homeroom teacher is shorter than me, and I’m pretty short.

At Walnut High School, I overheard a student talking: Mr. K***s’ password to the computers is Hello Kitty.

If you know me, you know Hello Kitty is my favorite character 🙂

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