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Huckabee is a good guy, not any worst than other candidates, and better than most. If he is the win-able candidate for the Republicans, I will support him.

I like his policy of establishing the Fair Tax. It would be tremendous if America can finally institute a “Fair” taxing system.  Chuck Norris supports him, that’s enough for me 🙂

Support him by spreading the word to raise $1 mil by January 10. Considering how much Ron Paul raised in a “money bomb”, Huckabee should be able to get more support.

While it doesn’t seem right, the candidate with more money to spend on advertising does have an edge. So if you believe in a candidate and want him to win, you do have to support him with money.

2 Responses to “Mike Huckabee”

  1. Daniel Sutoyo Says:

    I support him! I really liked his answers at the debate.

  2. Joyful Says:

    Actually Huckabee is not as conservative as I would like, but he might be more win-able against the Democratic nominee than someone like Thompson. I like Thompson’s views more.