Written by Melinda:

Senator Obama just said in the presidential debate that he wants to unite around common ground in preventing unwanted pregnancies.  Frankly, I can never take that apparent olive branch seriously as long as the person offering it wants to expand federal funding of abortion, eliminate any existing restriction on abortion, and actually manufacture more nascent human beings only to be destroyed for their parts.  Common ground should take into consideration ALL the lives involved when there’s an abortion.  You must read this careful, sober evaluation of Seantor Obama’s position on abortion and the unborn by a man who is not given to overstatement.  I just can’t take seriously any social justice platform that doesn’t include protecting the lives and rights of the tiniest, weakest, most innocent and vulnerable humans.  I’m willing to talk about a broader social justice platform if the 1.2 million unborn children slaughtered every year are included.  Surely, that is fundamental to social justice.


If there is any doubt where Obama stands on abortion, simply look at who supports him: Planned Parenthood.

I have little chance of seeing Obama defeated in California unless there is a miracle. He doesn’t even need to campaign here and he’ll win. But I seriously pray that he will not be voted as president. I am praying for a miracle.

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