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Vacation Bible School is suppose to be for the kids. It’s suppose to help children to know God and to have fun.

But more than half of the fun and the learning at VBS is for the helpers.

We learn to work together, we learn to be kind and patient, we learn to put aside our own agendas, even when we are tired, in order to put on a good show for the children to have a good time. From that, our faith grows a little, our love for people deepens a little, our church grows closer together a little.

For me, every year at VBS my faith grows as I see God at work in ways I never expect. This year was no exception.

I experienced God when He provided people to come along side me who are more enthusiastic about VBS than I am. Honestly, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about VBS this year. Every year I feel such a weight of burden. This year I tried to gather a team to work together to spread the burden. However, it still fell on me to call the meeting of the team – and I didn’t get around to doing that. So it was me directing it again. I really wanted to call it off.

But God inspired a few young people who in turn inspired me to be excited about VBS. They reminded me why we have VBS every year. God brought a few friends who asked me several times how they can help. Even when I was too disorganized and too lazy to distribute the work, they faithfully offered their help. I give them work to do at the last minute, and they happily help.

Perhaps it was my own lack of enthusiasm that led me to project lower attendance this year. So God surprised me with better attendance than last year. There were many more new comers too in addition to those returning from previous years. I really don’t know how so many people hear about our VBS. We don’t publicize much. Our own children program average only 15 kids. Yet we have over 70 kids come to VBS. Where did they come from? The only answer is God brought them.

So with that, I know God entrusted me with the gospel to share with these that He brought to us. And this I am committed to do, that everyone who comes to our VBS will hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the least I can do.

I see once again that God works His plan according to His purposes. I am but a lowly sinner, unfaithful and unorganized, yet He allows me to play a part, and gives me the privilege of being in His employ.

If I’ve left anything of lasting value at this church, I hope it is that everyone who has ever helped with VBS every year learn the same lesson from God. I hope they learned to love serving God, and to know that in spite of our weaknesses, God is faithful.

When we are weak, He is strong.

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