
The post at Trey’s blog about church being a jerk factory made me sad, sad because it’s all too true.

Why do we see quarrels within the church? Why is there gossiping and bitterness in the church? Shouldn’t the church be a place of refuge from the “jerkness” in the world?

One of the comments on Trey’s post made a poignant point – “There seems to be a jerk in any group of people. If I am in a group and cannot find a jerk, it just could be that I’m the jerk in the group. (This was not a direct quote, but Rick Warren has said something like it. I thought it was both funny and true–at least in my case.)”

Waking up trying to be a little more kind, more generous, more interruptible, more forgiving, more humble, more civil, more tolerant. Do these things and prayer and worship will come alongside to support us.”

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