Do you step on the pedal and speed under the railroad crossing gates when the red lights start flashing? I do… But I won’t anymore. Yesterday I was driving with my friend when we approached the railroad tracks. There was a car in front of me when the lights started flashing. That car sped past […]


I’m taking a sign language class, we meet twice a week, and it’s one of the highlights of my week. There is a great sense of satisfaction when I actually understand what my teacher is signing (if he does it relatively slow). There is a 70-year-old man in the class. He’s retired, wakes up anytime […]

If you believe in adoption, please read my post at Adventures In Parenting.  I won’t repeat it here.

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I admit, I like being a Christian. I like going to church, I like the stuff we do at church, I like meeting other Christians, I like Christiany things, I like to read the Bible and pray and all of that. I used to avoid issues that would make me question the claims of Christianity […]

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I was looking for what I would need to make soap. I searched on Shopwiki and found it to be pretty helpful. Not only does it search for the material for soap making, but it also gives some basic instructions. If you are looking to do a project and need to shop for all the […]

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stored in: General

In a previous post, I said we canceled TV. Correction: We canceled cable TV. We still have a TV. Now we have Netflix. What movies do you recommend? The parameters are – not rated R or above, not a sad ending, not a silly romance, no excessive violence or brutality, prefer humor and clever storyline […]

Unsure of what to do with your life? You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be will inspire you and put you on the right path. The book by Max Lucado is a small, 127 pages on 5″ x 7″ paper. I suppose this would be considered a gift book. But it’s filled with […]

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My highlights of the past few days: 1. Spoke at my friend’s women’s group on Saturday. 2. God gave me the message to speak on. 3. I learned a lot from my own message. 4. The ladies, including my sister who came to hear me, really liked it. 5. I got a phone call from […]

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Yesterday the sermon in church was on knowing God, the foundation of the Christian life. I heard a couple of comments that the content of the sermon didn’t fit the title. They were expecting a different type of sermon about knowing God. In the sermon, our pastor talked about knowing God as holy, a prominent […]

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