
Going to church brings out the best in me, giving me a false sense of “righteousness.” After all, I am doing good works by helping at church, loving people (at least superficially), and giving money. But those very acts can make me blind to the real sins in my life. Sins of pride, selfishness, worldliness. I begin to feel comfortable desiring the things of the world (don’t I deserve something nice?), I can justify my selfishness (don’t I need to take care of my needs first to be more effective in serving others?), I can ignore my indifference to those in need (someone else is more gifted in helping them).

“How’re you doing?” we ask each other at church. The answer is always, “Ok, fine.”  There’s no real way to force us to examine ourselves and let others give us honest feedback and accountability. Even in small groups we only go so far.

Next time, I’m going to ask someone at church, “What’s God doing in your life?” and see what kind of responses I get.

2 Responses to “Brokenness”

  1. Aaron Says:

    Great thoughts! I’m going to have to prepare myself to answer “What’s God doing in your life” just in case you ask me haha. And maybe I’ll try asking that question to others…

  2. Joyful Says:

    haha, yes, be ready with a good answer 🙂