
After Taiwan Short Term Mission – There are too many highlights, I cannot capture the fullness of what God did in and through us. Here are just some random thoughts, some more significant than others.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared the full gospel with an adult. So fun and refreshing, and challenging to test the depth of my understanding of God and the gospel.

It’s been a while since I experienced leading an adult to Christ. It was magical and a miracle to see someone struggle and then say yes with tears welling in his eyes. Thank God for giving us this experience that encourages me to go more courageously.

It’s easier to share the gospel in Taiwan than US. I am intimidated by the potential of a hostile response here, whereas in Taiwan, the people may reject, but are not hostile.

I am challenged to be more courageous with my faith at home. Maybe my perception of people’s negative response to the gospel here is not accurate. And even if they are hostile, why should I care? I should be more bold and forthright when I talk to unbelievers anywhere, not just in Taiwan on STM.

I only bought one cute notebook for myself this year.  I always regret not buying more…less than $1 each.

Spending 2 weeks in close community with my team gives a good experience of what Christian community life should be. We are with each other 24/7, eating, praying, sharing, serving, reflecting, laughing, rejoicing in the work and Word of the Lord.

Every year’s team is the best team. This year was the smallest team, which makes it special. And 3 out of the 5 members are my family – me, my husband and my daughter! God’s special blessing for me.

The airplane ride went by fast this time. I actually watched movies most of the time which I don’t usually like to do. Couldn’t resist Spiderman, Toy Story 4, Secret Life of Pets 2, Pokemon Detective Pikachu (fell asleep on that one), Tolkien (recommend).

Taiwan has really good Japanese food. The tonkatsu is still not as good as Japan, but comes close. And cheaper.

After every STM I resolve to pray as much as we did during STM. But I can’t maintain that habit. The distractions, the lack of urgency, and lack of accountability are my excuses.

After every STM I resolve to learn Chinese. My husband downloaded an app for that, maybe we’ll make some progress this year. The goal is to be able to navigate Taiwan on our own.

After every STM I resolve to clean my closet since I know I can live on 3 outfits for 2 weeks. Will see if I can at least reduce a few items to Goodwill.

My digestion felt good even though I ate foods with wheat and sugar that I avoided here to heal my digestion (couldn’t resist the good breads, desserts, fruits!) I think it’s because I don’t overeat on protein, walked a lot, and was free from the usual stresses of home.

I hope God opens the way for us to go to Taiwan for STM again. This year was one of the best in terms of the relationships built and tangible results. For that I am most grateful. But some of those co-workers we worked with for 4 years will be leaving Taiwan. I’m not sure what that would mean. I still want to go to Taiwan for STM though it would seem like starting over with new relationships.

I get a small glimpse of how Paul felt when he left Ephesus knowing he won’t see them again.





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