stored in: 2020

I’ve said before that I hate getting old. In God’s plan and in his grace, he’s using the one person I struggle with to serve as an example of a person who models aging well.

To age well is to not complain – not complain about aches and pains, and about what could’ve been or could be better, not complain about how things were different and how young people do things wrong.

To age well is to not recant and lament the good ol’ days – no one wants to hear what it was like when you were young and the world was perfect.

To age well is to keep quiet – you may be an old sage, but unsolicited advice is annoying.

To age well is to serve others as best as you can – even with limitations do all you can to bless others.

To age well is to continue to push yourself to serve others – it’s ok to be uncomfortable and tired for a time in order to serve others. It’s worth it.

To age well is to accept the suffering as part of aging – you may not get better, but suffering makes you yearn for Jesus that much more.

To age well is to have a good mental attitude – choose joy, choose laughter, choose to compliment rather than criticize people.

To age well is to not fear death – everyone will face it sooner or later. Don’t stress over the inevitable and uncontrollable.

As they say: It’s not how long you live but how well you live.

I’ve lived relatively long.

I want to live well.

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