Having been a follower of Christ for so long, I still wonder why God doesn’t do more miracles in answering our good and reasonable prayers. I know the answers intellectually, but on an emotional level, I have to keep asking God to remind me that though he slay me, still I will follow.
Here are a few reflections today when God does not answer my prayers:
He wants me to love the Giver more than the gift.
He wants to remind me in my suffering of His ultimate suffering on the Cross and his love for me.
He wants me to experience that His grace is sufficient.
He wants me to experience Him as the Good Shepherd who is walking with me in the valley of the shadow of death.
He wants me to grow deeper in seeking Him, not just seek a quick answer to a problem.
He wants me to experience suffering so I have compassion for those who suffer, thus know more of the compassion heart of God.
He wants me to not get too comfortable in this world.
He wants me to not put my hope in this world.
He wants me to know that the greatest treasure is not what this world has to offer but that I already have the greatest treasure in Him.
Unanswered prayer doesn’t matter that much.